Photo of offices. Day Spring has offered oxygen and activated oxygen steam saunas for over 20 years. We know positive - negative responses possible
Photo of 1 door sauna. Day Spring's oxygen or activated oxygen or ozone steam sauna. Each one has a separate cubicle and different ozone generators.
Photo of 2 door sauna. Day Spring's oxygen or activated oxygen or ozone steam sauna in a separate cubicle complete with a separate dressing area.
Lack of Oxygen can cause Cancer and Degenerative Disease
Complementary and Alternative medicine modalities such as using oxygen saunas. ozone saunas or activated oxygen saunas can be the answer many people are looking for.
Since our medical consultations are varied and range from good faith exam required for IV's and PRP Facials or PRF Facelifts aka Vampyre Facials or Vampyre Facelifts are much cheaper in costs than longer medical consultations required for the Peptides, BMA, Joints, Hormones or medical weight loss.
We offer so many things such as oxygen and ozone saunas, hair tissues anyalysis for identifying what vitamins, minerals and food you need, based on science, to Zyto scans and Evox.
This is why it is best to set up a free initial consultation so our staff can identify what you actually want or need.