I have personally experienced medical weight loss using GLP 1's also known as Ozempic, or Semaglutide or Tirzepatide. I have used semaglutide combined with a compound used for regeneration and anti-aging, I have lost a lot of weight using this. This can be referred to as regenerative medicine due to the fact it helps regenerate the body, it is not just knee joint pain solutions or PRP Facials or PRF facelifts or Regenerating breasts. We are in the Garland Lake area
I did not want to have anything, but a low dose of semaglutide, because i wanted a healthy weight loss. I read the information from the different studies and discovered that if you take high doses of GLP1's, you can also have a lot of side effects. The higher doses will cause you to lose weight faster, but the risk to your health, and the risk of side effects increases rather quickly with the increase in dose. This is why I personally recommend that everyone stay with the minimum dose or a dose close to the minimum. I was asked if I wanted 10 times the minimum dose. I chose not do anything except the lower doses. If you have a lower dose you can keep yourself from a lot of the possible side effects.=, plus it is a lot cheaper with lower doses. If money matters to you as well as your health.
I personally think that losing weight more slowly is healthier for many different reasons.
Another reason for the low dose of semaglutide or the GLP!'s is that it can help all of the aspects of your health. My blood work at the Lab, after a few months, was the best I have seen it in years and since I am about 67 at the time of this writing, that is saying a lot.
So smaller doses definitely helped every aspect of my body and health. Also, if you lose weight too quickly, it is terrible for your skin and will probably require surgery, that is if you lose a lot of weight
Recent Studies about GLP1's or Semaglutide
A new, large study finds that medications like Ozempic and Wegovy can seriously reduce knee pain for those with moderate to severe osteoarthritis, the result showed over 40% saw reduced pain due to severe osteoarthritis.
This latest adds another benefit to the growing list of avenues semaglutide may improve overall health.
Recent studies have shown drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic may help fight kidney disease and could be beneficial in preventing and treating substance abuse.
In March 2024, wegovy, a semaglutide or GLP1, was approved to reduce the risk of stroke, heart attacks and other serious cardiovascular problems in patients who are overweight or obese.
Preliminary research has also suggested that semaglutide may protect against neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation, meaning drugs like Ozempic could potentially guard against Alzheimer’s.
So in keeping with our motto Our Goal is your Health, we see that semaglutide can help your health in many ways.
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Experts recently identified new risks and issued updated recommendations for preventing strokes, a leading cause of death and disability in the U.S. It's the first time in a decade that health experts at the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association have issued significant updates to their guidelines.
Among the findings, highlights the impact of Ozempic, and other GLP-1 drugs as it relates to preventing strokes for medical weight loss. Remember we want you to have healthy weight loss solutions.
These are the steps for utilizing our Healthy weight loss solutions and our medical weight loss program.
Day Spring Wellness Medical Center is in Garland. We offer medical weight loss and healthy weight loss solutions. We are close to Lake Ray Hubbard and is minutes away from Rowlett, Sapphire Bay, Sunnyvale and Mesquite. We are close to Interstate 30. Our address is 330 Oaks trail, suite 106, Garland, Tx 75043
*We are out of network for insurance companies, but the paperwork will be provided for insurance reimbursement purposes.
** This offer cannot be combined with any other offers and is not valid for memberships as they are already discounted
Regenerative medicine is known for the BMA and then multiple follow up treatments of PRP over several months. These additional PRP treatments are included in the price. For more areas to be treated there are discounts.
These procedures are for non-surgical, injection-based procedures for people suffering from knee or joint pain and need knee repair or need knee joint replacement, knee joint pain due to common injuries to the knees or joints, or who are experiencing degenerative conditions.
These procedures utilize concentrated repair cells that are obtained from your own bone marrow or blood to promote your body’s own natural ability to heal. And then 2 or 3 monthly injections to help your body to heal itself.
Traditional options for patients suffering from these conditions include arthroscopic knee surgery to repair ligament tears, meniscus, or total knee replacement. With those surgeries, months of rehab are required, and the patient must be aware of and prepared to take on the risks. As an alternative, regenerative procedures are designed to help reduce knee pain and improve function with precise highly specific medical procedures.
At Day Spring Wellness Medical Center, is located near the Lake off I30 in Garland and minutes away from Rowlett, Sapphire Bay, Sunnyvale and Mesquite. We offer specialized care and treatment for knee joint pain solutions and healthy weight loss..
There were more than 20,000 patients tracked using this type of alternative solution.
75%+ Average Function Regained
40%+ Decrease in Joint Pain After 1-month
50%+ Overall Improvement After 3-months
This is from people that had knee joint pain and needed knee repair or a knee joint replacement..
Surgical options for those dealing with painful knee issues range from arthroscopic knee surgery to total knee or joint replacement.
Knee or joint replacement is extremely traumatic and carries risks of chronic pain and toxic wear particles entering the bloodstream.
Surgical risks aside, all surgeries require months of painful rehab to regain strength and mobility. Some knee and joint surgeries also accelerate the cascade of degeneration that leads to Osteoarthritis.
Many have seen exciting results on difficult cases, and many have been helped to avoid knee and joint replacement surgery and continue to do the things they love, with little or no pain.
Most patients experience little downtime from their procedure and are encouraged to return to activity as they begin to feel better
Our medical providers will determine if you are a candidate for these procedures.
If you are in knee joint pain and need knee repair or knee joint replacement, please come to us before you have surgery. We are minutes away from Rowlett. Sapphire Bay, Sunnyvale and Mesquite as we are in Garland near Lake Ray Hubbard and I-30. * Offers are not to be combined with any other offers from Day Spring. Sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, and events.
To get the discount you must sign up before 12/31/2024 (not valid with other offers). We are near the Lake I-30 in Garland. This offer is for face lift alternatives, alternatives to Botox for wrinkles, wrinkles solutions and wrinkles fillers.
At Day Spring Wellness Center, we offer specialized care and face lift alternatives for wrinkles, wrinkles fillers, alternatives to Botox for wrinkles.
From $799 - $1199 depending on how many areas to be treated. This price includes the medical consultation that is required for this procedure.
A microneedling facial is a cosmetic procedure that uses small, sterilized needles to prick the skin. This treatment aims to generate new collagen and skin tissue to smooth, firm, and tone skin. Microneedling is mostly used on the face and may reduce the appearance of acne, scars, dark spots, wrinkles, and large pores. A microneedling facial involves using a small rolling device with hundreds of tiny needles across a targeted are of the face. Many look at this as a face lift alternative, alternative to botox for wrinkles and wrinkles fillers.
This is sometimes referred to as a Vampyre Facial
Most people do not think about their health when looking at fillers and wrinkles. Botox is something that many people use and know, so they don't even look for an alternative to Botox. Almost everyone knows that Botox is a poison and that it is a toxin, but for them it doesn't matter. We have been in wellness for well over 20 years, so when people suggested we use Botox and fillers to help people deal with their wrinkles and sagging skin, we knew there had to be a better way. We knew there was a better way that did not impact negatively, the health of the people. Now by the grace of God we have alternatives for people that are similar in price and also not harmful to their health. We have alternatives to Botox for wrinkles, wrinkles fillers that are better fillers than Botox.
At Day Spring Wellness Center, we offer specialized care and face lift alternatives for wrinkles, wrinkles fillers, alternatives to Botox for wrinkles.
From $1199 - $1999 depending on how many areas to be treated. This price includes the medical consultation that is required for this procedure. This is sometimes referred to as a Vampyre Face Lift.
A PRP and PRF Gel Facial is also called a vampire face lift, or a face lift alternative because you take blood from the individual. A PRP gel facial is an effective plasma filler for skin rejuvenation. It is considered one of the best types of facials there is. Only the microneedling facial is similar. The PRP gel facial contains both Growth Factor and Human Plasma Albumin obtained from your blood. This gel naturally stimulates the skin volume and regeneration.
PRP gel facial delivers your own biologic growth factors to possibly activate stem cells. The injected substance takes the form of blood vessels, collagen and elastin, hyaluronic acid, and fatty tissue, and that matrix holds cells together and thickens the skin. This is a better alternative to Botox for wrinkles and wrinkles fillers. Fine lines, texture, moisture, and overall skin quality and integrity are subjectively improved.
Our process is similar to other systems, but the process, or the system we use will create up to 4 TIMES more PLATELETS and LEUKOCYTES, a HIGHER growth factor release, a more even distribution of REGENERATIVE CELLS throughout the PRF,and less cell Damage. Our system also extends the resorption of PRF from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 MONTHS. We are higher priced than some,but there is a reason. We personally believe we are the best value in the area for the above metioned reasons. There are several types of PRP and PRF face lifts, we use the best system. Most people are unaware of the different systems, but there is a dramatic difference with some PRP and PRF systems.
Face treatments and dealing with wrinkles, has become one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. While initially minimally invasive procedures were utilized effectively in facial aesthetics (including Botox, hyaluronic acids, and PDO, more recently platelet concentrates have gained momentum because of their more natural regenerative approach.
Here at Day Spring, we have looked for ways to naturally regenerate your skin to help you get rid of wrinkles. and a face lift alternative. We look for alternatives to Botox for wrinkles, wrinkles fillers This differs significantly from other types of face work that aim to act as fillers or paralyzers, which initiate a foreign body placed within living tissue. As the population continues to age and becomes more concerned with their aesthetic appearance. We wish to offer patients a natural approach with platelet concentrates and more specifically platelet-rich fibrin (PRF)
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was the first platelet concentrate utilized in facial aesthetics, known stimulators of tissue regeneration.
We have other fillers we use that are similar or the same as the body uses. This alternative to Botox wrinkles solution and fillers can be used in the lips as well as other areas.
Our services at Day Spring Wellness Center are designed to help patients recover from wrinkles.
Overview About Facial Fillers Facial filler are substances injected into the skin to smooth wrinkles and make them less noticeable, including Botox. Injection of a facial filler is generally an outpatient procedure that's done with numbing medication. The procedure takes up to an hour. You might have mild discomfort, bruising and swelling for up to a week. After the swelling goes down, you might need a touch-up injection for best results. How long the effect lasts depends on the type of wrinkle and filler, among other factors. Facial fillers, or soft tissue fillers, generally aren't used for people who have suppressed immune systems or who take blood-thinning medications (anticoagulants). Hyaluronic Acid Hyaluronic Acid. This natural component of the skin's connective tissue is the most common filler used for wrinkles. The results typically last 6 to 12 months. • We prefer you to use this filler since it is natural and should be better for your Health. But it is always your choice as to what we will use if the medical Professional says it is OK. As with any procedure, injecting facial filler for wrinkles has risks, which is one reason you must talk to our Medical Professional first. If you want face lift alternative and alternatives to botox for wrinkles, wrinkles fillers. We are minutes away from Rowlett. Sapphire Bay, Sunnyvale and Mesquite as we are in Garland near Lake Ray Hubbard and I-30. Sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, and events.
Free Consultation if you email us at dayspringwellness2001@gmail.com or call us at 972.226.1235.