Rx for Sexual Health, Bioidentical hormones & Hormone therapy consultation for men or women. This is required for a 6 month prescription. This can be for any type of hormone related consultation, including sexual dysfunction.
Bio Identical Hormone replacement therapy can help with problems related to imbalanced hormones, such as men or women's hormones, hormonal balance and natural hormone balancing. Out of balance creates:
We are near you in Garland, Rowlett, Sapphire bay, Sunnyvale and Mesquite on I-30 near the Lake.
1. Hormone receptors are found in virtually every part of your body. If your hormones are out of balance, your health will suffer with sexual health as well as normal hormonal issues.
2. Hormonal balance, hormone therapy or balanced hormones help promote the health of your bones, teeth, brain, heart, eyes, skin, metabolism, and more.
3. When administered correctly, natural hormone balancing therapy, aka bioidentical hormones does not cause side effects.
4. Men & Women's hormones therapy works quickly and will continue to provide benefits as long as you continue the treatment. This is easy as we are in Garland near Rowlett, Sappire Bay, Sunnyvale and Mesquite near I-30 and the Lake
In recent years, age-related hormone decline is striking at younger ages and accelerating faster, perhaps due to the presence of pollutants and toxins in the environment that can disrupt the endocrine system and cause hormonal imbalance.
Traditional HRT refers to synthetic hormones made in the lab. They are FDA-approved medications that come in standard, repackaged doses th at are for sexual health and for men and women hormone therapy, this is different from bioidentical hormones.
BHRT aka Bioidentical hormones that are the most identical to those in the body. They come in standard, commonly used doses that are approved by the FDA.1 The chemical structure of the hormones used in BHRT is often the same or similar as those used in traditional therapy. This is often used for mena and women hormone therapy as well as sexual health. We are as easy to find located in Garland near the Lake and I-30.
New studies have found that the benefits of HRT outweigh the risks for younger women or those in the early stages of menopause. There are many benefits for sexual health as well as hormone therapy for men or women and yes we have Bioidentical hormones.
What is hormone replacement therapy?
Hormone replacement therapy is a highly personalized medical treatment to address hormonal imbalances and relieve related symptoms. It’s a standard and usually effective treatment to relieve the distressing symptoms of menopause. men and women hormone therapy help with many things including sexual health,
Our team uses bioidentical hormones, which are derived from plant estrogens and chemically identical to the hormones produced by your body.
Why would I need hormone replacement therapy?
As you approach and reach menopause, your estrogen levels fluctuate and decline, which can cause a variety of symptoms. Hormone replacement therapy replenishes your estrogen levels, relieving many of these uncomfortable symptoms.
What should I expect during hormone replacement therapy?
Hormone replacement therapy is a highly personalized treatment. Our team uses several steps to ensure that hormone replacement therapy is right for you and that they prescribe the correct dose.
As you begin to develop menopause symptoms, talk to your medical professional about them and how they affect your life. They may perform a pelvic exam and order blood tests to evaluate your hormone levels and test for other conditions that could cause similar symptoms.
Once your medical professional understands your needs and current hormone levels, they may prescribe bioidentical hormones. Bioidentical hormones come in many forms, including pills, a small losenge, and subdermal pellets. Your doctor takes your lifestyle and other factors into account when selecting the best type of hormone replacement for you this is for sexual health as well as male or femal hormone therapy.
When you begin hormone replacement therapy, you will have follow-up appointments and blood tests to determine if your treatment is working. Once your symptoms are under control and your estrogen levels are within the healthy range, you have less frequent follow-up appointments. Yes we are easy to find in Garland near I-30 and the Lake close to Rowlett, Sapphire Bay, Sunnyvale and Mesquite.
Is hormone replacement therapy safe?
Yes, hormone replacement therapy is safe. Our team takes the utmost care when prescribing hormone replacement therapy. Our medical staff considers your medical history and lifestyle factors before prescribing any medication to ensure your health and safety.
What Are Bioidentical Hormones?
Bioidentical hormones are synthetic or artificial versions of the hormones already made in the endocrine system. They are chemically and structurally identical to human hormones.1
How long can you stay on bioidentical hormones?
How long you stay on bioidentical hormones varies based on the kind of hormone and your unique situation. For example, risk of adverse effects from systemic estrogen increases with age, especially for women over age 60, and with extended use (longer than 10 years). If your treatment stops working, you have severe side effects, or your risk increases, your healthcare provider may instruct you to discontinue hormone therapy.
How Common Is Compounded BHRT?
An estimated 1 million to 2.5 million women in the United States use cBHRT for menopausal symptoms.
If you have a sexual health problem, male or females can have hormone therapy, and bioidentical hormones. We are minutes away from Rowlett. Sapphire Bay, Sunnyvale and Mesquite as we are in Garland near Lake Ray Hubbard and I-30. *Offers are not to be combined with any other offers from Day Spring Sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, and events.
Free Consultation if you email us at dayspringwellness2001@gmail.com or call us at 972.226.1235.